Here’s a thought… In these challenging times, can we each support 5 businesses until the end of the year? As an entrepreneur who has faced a few challenges, I know how difficult it is to keep a small business going – especially during times of...
by Simren Bhinde The world is rapidly changing, and with it has come a change in human’s interaction with nature. The current global crisis has shown that the future is likely to only bring more drastic changes to the way we look at the world. In the midst of all of...
Stepping outside your comfort zone isn’t easy. There are way too many changes that one has to be prepared to deal with. Especially if you are an urban teenager, travelling to a new place, with a new set of people who you haven’t met before. It’s too much to ask for,...
WOLF AND A TIBETAN GAZELLE IN HANLE Written by Radika Timbadia A surprise sighting on a perfect day It was almost the end of June and I was thrilled to see snow. I got out of the car and walked towards the closest hill. The sky was a perfect blue, just the kind...
Close Encounters of the Feathered Kind Written by Vinod Sreedhar It’s 8 am in Goa and I’m sitting beside the window in our living room. The sunlit room opens into a large balcony overlooking the central courtyard of our apartment complex, with a cosy little...
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